
What Readers are Saying

Blessed Curse
"The paranormal suspense aspects of the story are as strong as the romance. The surprise ending is the perfect touch. Highly recommend this book to romance readers and fans of paranormal fiction."
"The joy with this book, as with Nancy's other books, is the pace and rhythm. She gives you a moment to catch your breath and then throws you back into excitement, fear and love."
"My wife had purchased the book to read on an upcoming vacation. I picked the book up on a whim and all I can say is "wow!" I was pulled into the Rugby Six and a fascinating story. The characters and places are so well developed that you feel as though you could reach out and touch them."
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Christmas Across Time
"Another wonderful book by Nancy Sartor - it is one of those you don't want to put down and quit reading. I would find myself putting off doing something like fix a meal or clean up the dishes
because I was so into the story. Can't wait for her next book - she draws you in with the story and holds your interest - LOVE it - thanks Nancy!"
"Supernatural, romance, history and suspense - this second novel by Nancy Sartor has it all! Very well developed characters. I have a new favorite writer!"
"A delightful story of timeless love and the present-day man and woman who learn a valuable lesson from a devoted couple of ages past. A good book to read in front of the fire on a cold winter night!"
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Bones Along The Hill
"Nancy is known for her thought provoking, well developed plots and beautifully crafted characters and this book was no different. A heroine with both strengths and weaknesses, a male love interest
who was just as complex and well written, and a plot that blew my socks off. The research for this story must have been uncomfortable and heart breaking, the story line one that needed sensitivity and
compassion. Nancy does this so well and I highly recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys reading something out of the usual romance norm and causes you to think deeply about issues reflected in the book,
in a way you may feel discomfited. A book that can impart enjoyable entertainment, knowledge and empathy for your fellow man at the same time is no mean feat."
"This action packed book is the best book that I have read in years. The characters are developed so beautifully and setting so real. As the reader is taken from one life threatening situation to another,
the book becomes impossible to put down. The underlying truths shed light on a dark world that exists all too close to our protected world."
"This book would be an excellent movie."
"The fast-paced action takes the reader on a journey of betrayal, distrust, and horrifying crimes against humanity told in a sensitive manner that allows the reader to move ahead with suspense and
intrigue. Told from multiple perspectives, the story doesn’t miss a beat. It’s filled with the dangers of human trafficking and the evil workings of criminals’ minds, the horrors of the trade, and
the sad state of the homeless on city streets. Neva is a complex woman who can hold her own and fight for what she believes in. She has the courage to take risks when she must, and ultimately makes d
ecisions that show her to be an emotionally and psychologically strong woman, as does Davis demonstrate that he, too, has the courage to step out and become the man he knows he can be for Neva.
"The novel is tightly written and filled with surprises on every page. It has enough twists and turns to keep the reader burning the midnight lamps until the book is finished. Even to the last page."
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